1981 South Carolina 2A-1A Wrestling State Champions
Swansea High School
images/1981 Swansea.jpg Team Placement at State Tournament 1. Swansea - 188 points (Coach Phil Williams) - 2A 2. Woodruff - 167 points (Coach Danny Holland) - 2A 3. Buford - 102.5 points (Coach Joe Funderburk) - 2A 4. Crescent - 92.5 points (Coach Larry Clark) - 2A 5. Chapin - 73.5 points (Coach Paul Lareau) - 2A 6. H.E. McCracken - 39.5 points (Coach Mike Storey) 7. Westminster - 34.5 points (Coach Pat Roeder) - 2A 8. S.C. School for the Deaf - 25 points (Coach William Ramborger) - 1A Individual State Champions State Finals: 98 Brett Pittman (Westminster) defeated Leslie Metcalf (Woodruff) 105 Larry Mack (Swansea) defeated Tony Watson (Woodruff) 112 Ricky Harper (Woodruff) defeated Barry Jeffcoat (Swansea) 119 Joe Shelble (Chapin) defeated Raymond Miller (Woodruff) 126 James McKinney (Buford) defeated Skipper Hewell (Crescent) 132 Mike Shelble (Chapin) defeated Alfred Mack (Swansea) 138 Andrew Walker (Swansea) defeated Darryl McElhannon (Woodruff) 145 Roger Burdette (Crescent) defeated Carson Dixon (Swansea) 155 Ashby Blakely (Woodruff) defeated David Vickery (Crescent) 167 David Smith (Swansea) defeated Blake Sims (Buford) 175 Barnell Mack (Swansea) pin Jimmy Fortner (Woodruff) 185 Clyde Dibble (Swansea) defeated Rocky Hudson (Buford) UNL Dale Brown (Woodruff) defeated David Simpson (Crescent) State Consolation Finals: 98 ? () defeated ? () 105 ? () defeated ? () 112 ? () defeated Ron Carter (Buford) 119 ? () defeated Darryl Cauthen (Buford) 126 Chris Westmoreland (Chapin) defeated Evan Mack (Swansea) 132 ? () defeated ? () 138 ? () defeated Robert Lloyd (Buford) 145 ? () defeated ? () 155 Joe Hodges (Chapin) defeated ? () 167 ? () defeated ? () 175 ? () defeated ? () 185 ? () defeated ? () UNL ? () defeated Clark Crump (Buford) Most Outstanding Wrestler Award Barnell Mack (Sr. 175 lbs.) - Swansea 2A (Coach Phil Williams) State Tournament Location Swansea H.S. February 21, 1981 Send any updates or feedback to scmat@hotmail.com